Thursday, June 12, 2014

Reading Across the Universe

Today I feel sad and lonely
All alone, with nowhere to look
Deep inside this dark alley
So I sat down and open a book.

Page after page, my hands flipped
Word by word, my eyes ate
To what extent, my heartbeat skipped
Making me forget how to hate.

I looked around and saw the stars
They're beautiful, dreaming or not
Then I traveled, starting from Mars
Guess I really read books a lot.

I met creatures, aliens I think
I wasn't scared, but amazed
Not a second, my eyes dared to blink
Looking around the purple haze.

Then reality snapped back at me
I flipped the last page of the book
It's sad and it hurts to see
That I'm alone again in my nook.

Reading helps me escape reality
It gives me magic to break the curse
And travel to the other side of diversity
Reading across the universe.

*I made this poem when my sister asked help for her project. She's not the literary type of girl so I did it for her. She asked me to write a poem entitled Reading Across the Universe in the middle of the night and said she need it the following morning. Great. Just great.

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